Monday, November 19, 2012

Vivere L'amore

Vivere L’amore.

 These words are written on the inside of my forearm at the moment…in pen.  That’s as close as I’ll ever get to a real tattoo. But even though I would never allow myself to ink it permanently on the outside, I’m working on allowing it to be permanently etched on my heart. “Live love” Not just, “Live and love” But live love, make it one and the same action. Make love your whole freaking being. I’m not trying to be just your little old hippy hipster living down the street right now. I just…wish I could live up to God’s call for my life, and I have to constantly remind myself because I always fall short.

Everything we are was meant to be given to God and to others. Our joy should come from serving, and opening our hearts to help take the pain away from the suffering. We all think our lives are so horrible and God is awful, and hiding His face from us. But maybe the reason we don’t feel God’s presence when we suffer is because we are so wrapped up in ourselves that our souls have no room to allow God in.

 I know that sounds cold. I know people who suffered more than I have in my life might scoff. But in the midst of suffering, if we can look outside ourselves and offer everything we have to others who are hurting, there will be no time to focus on our hurting. The only thing we will feel is joy because we know we are helping those in desperate need. We are loving; We will be living love.

Vivere l’amore,

Friday, November 9, 2012

Attitude is everything.

How often have we all heard that? Attitude is everything. What does that even mean?
So if I change my attitude,  I'll get an A on that Calc quiz I didn't study for? Or you'll get over that person you want to get over?

No, attitude doesn't change your situation. We all know that. What it changes is how we react to our situation. It changes how we treat the people around us. I feel like I'm the pot calling the kettle black right now though. I'm going to admit, right here on the interweb, that I am a freakin' prideful person. I never want to change my attitude about anything. If I have a test the next morning, well I'm going to fail, don't try to convince me otherwise.

Prideful and stubborn? I better get me to a nunnery. :P

But in all seriousness, God works with the nasty attitudes wonderfully. He really does. He doesn't want you to be in that frame of mind, but when you are, he molds it so that you realize how absolutely ridiculous you're being.

I'll give you a personal example of this: Today I had a Biology test, Latin quiz, and a Calculus quiz. Negative attitudes abounded last night as I attempted to study. Worries about failing out of school, and thoughts about not wanting the new day to come were very much present.

But guess what?  Today came. And.....I lived through it. Regardless of the grades I got. And now I'm at peace. I just have to learn to have that peace perpetually, instead of after a panic attack over the little things.

But hey, it's college. It's all about the lessons. So in conclusion: keep calm and carry on. ;)