I am not perfect.
I am not perfect.
And neither is anyone else in this world.
But you know what? I am loved. And so are you.
We are loved more than we will ever know.
Christ knows how hard this life thing is.
He experienced the brokenness of the world in a more full way than any of us could ever imagine.
I think we all go through the delusion of thinking that everyone else has this life figured out besides us. We think we forgot to make that right turn somewhere along the way that got everyone to happiness street but us.
But ask anyone if they think they have their life together and you'll probably get most people saying they don't. And if anyone answers with a resounding: "yes, I have my life perfectly together."...I'd start to question their sanity just slightly. Even those who legitimately have found a very good balance in their life recognize that life is hard. And usually it is these people who recognize even more that they have a need for help...from God, from family, and from others.
We all experience little annoyances. We all experience pain. We all experience hurt. We all know what it's like to collapse into tears because we just couldn't hold it in any longer. We may showcase it in different ways, but we all are broken people. It's just a fact, thanks to the fall. But that's a beautiful fact if we look at it from the right perspective. This brokenness that we all experience on a day to day basis allows us to recognize that we are all part of a beautiful humanity. And in a deeper way, we are all part of the body of Christ and He experiences all of our brokenness with us. And with our hearts set on Him, we can hope for that one day those tears will be turned into joy.
But don't worry that you aren't perfect. No one is, as much as they might try to convince otherwise. Yes, we are called to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect...but He is helping us every step of the way. He knows it is a journey. A beautiful beautiful journey.
God does not call the equipped...He equips the called.
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